

Candidate Zone

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Information Technology


full-time / part-time


7 semesters


1st degree, bachelor's degree


4 specialties

price from

PLN 342 / installment

The design of the WSTI curriculum takes into account the recommendations of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI) and meets its criteria of accreditation pertaining to program requirements for the technical fields of study.

In addition, the schedule has been adjusted to the selected aspects of the MCSA certification path. IT subjects represent 72% of the hours of the course (the remaining 28% are non-IT subjects). Lectures are 38% of class hours – so up to 62% of the learning time is of a practical nature!

Lead time:

Type, duration and date of the internship is defined by the schedule and education programme of the WSTI.

The internship lasts 960 hours and takes place after the first, second and third year (during the holidays: between the II and III semester; the IV and V semester; the VI and VII semester).


General Education Subjects

I sem
II sem
III sem
IV sem
V sem
VI sem
VII sem
I. General Education Subjects
Western Language
OHS and Ergonomics Problems
Introduction to Ethics
Physical Education
II. Basic Subjects
Discrete Mathematics
Balance of Probabilities and Statistics
Calculus and Linear Algebra
Introduction to Electronics and Metrology
III. Degree Course Subjects
Theoretical Introduction to Information Technology
Algorithms and Data Structures
Embedded Systems
Introduction to Programming
Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Object-Oriented Languages
Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Computer graphics and graphical user interface
Software engineering
IT System Design
Computer Architecture
Digital Technology Devices
ICT and the Theory of Computer Networks
Web Operating Systems
Network Technologies and Usage
Introduction to Law and IT Law
IT Management in an Enterprise
IV. Fields of Study and Specialisations
Specialisation Subjects
V. Additional Classes
Graduate Workshop
Graduate Seminar
The specialisation schedule

Software engineering

The thematic division of classes starts from the 5th semester.


V sem
VI sem
VII sem
I. Fields of Study and Specialisations
Database Systems
Integrated Development Environment
IT Systems Modelling
Network systems
Embedded and Mobile Systems
Multi-layered Systems
IT Project Management
IT System Project
The specialisation schedule

integrator of information technology

The thematic division of classes starts from the 5th semester.


V sem
VI sem
VII sem
I. Fields of Study and Specialisations
Routing in TCP/IP Networks
Wireless Networks and Switching in LAN Networks
Web Operating Systems
Safety of ICT System
WAN Technologies
Information Exchange Systems
Service Monitoring and Management
Computer Networks Analysis and Design
The specialisation schedule

Mechatronics and robotics

The thematic division of classes starts from the 5th semester.


V sem
VI sem
VII sem
I. Fields of Study and Specialisations
Automation and Robotics
Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
General Electromechanics
Robot programming
Sensors and Surveying
Industrial Drivers
Mechatronic System Project
The specialisation schedule

Computer graphics and building multimedia websites

The thematic division of classes starts from the 5th semester.


V sem
VI sem
VII sem
I. Fields of Study and Specialisations
Graphic Design and Raster Graphics
Multimedia Web Technologies
Printing Theory and Vector Graphics
3D modeling and animation
DTP Systems – Typesetting and Publication Layout
Video editing and film special effects
Multimedia App Project
The specialisation schedule

Internet Marketing

The thematic division of classes starts from the 5th semester.


V sem
VI sem
VII sem
I. Fields of Study and Specialisations
Internet Marketing
Multimedia Web Technologies
Visual Identification
Public Relations
Introduction to Marketing Data Analysis
Website Positioning
Marketing Project
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