Candidate Zone
Student zone
full-time / part-time
7 semesters
1st degree, bachelor's degree
5 specialties
price from
PLN 520 / installment
Given the fact that the shape of the future graduate, his knowledge and skills to a large extent should be determined by the market situation and its needs, allow us to present what we think this market looks like and in which direction it is evolving. The experience so far allows us to present our observations in a few points:
Information technology is evolving into web-based solutions (browser-based access to data and applications via the Internet), which are being used more and more, including offline. Traditional systems, on the other hand, obtain “Internet functions.”
This results in:
A consequence of putting IT systems on the Internet is also a change in their sales model, which contributes to the ease with which customers can migrate from one IT solution provider to another. The application itself, so to speak, must with its attractiveness fight for the favor of users, and an important element of this attractiveness, in addition to the functions it performs, is its appearance and intuitiveness of use.
In addition, general technological developments, increases in memory capacity and processor power have contributed to the spread of multimedia solutions in many aspects of information technology use.
Application implications.
The combination of these trends along with increasing Internet bandwidths implies the following condition:
The consequence of these changes are particularly high requirements for the created solutions/systems, in terms of the interface itself, including its graphic design. We want to emphasize the growing role of aesthetics and graphic form of the interface, which, in the case of the existence of multiple systems with similar functionality, can determine the customer’s choice.
Consequences for the labor market
In our opinion, the job market suffers from a shortage of IT specialists with an interdisciplinary background that combines a solid theoretical foundation, programming knowledge, and knowledge of Internet technologies and computer graphics. Knowledge that would enable the implementation of new Internet and telecommunications solutions that meet the requirements described above. These facts mean that there has been a demand for a new model of education, better adapted to the new requirements. WSTI implements this model of education by complementing and expanding classical computer science education. Therefore, in the following section, we try to present a model of education that would as fully as possible allow to educate computer scientists capable of taking on the new tasks posed by the labor market.
The goal of education is to prepare such a cadre that will be prepared to enter engineering and work in the computer science profession and to solve complex, interdisciplinary problems in the field of computer science in the broadest sense.
Graduates during their studies will gain the knowledge needed to:
In addition, the graduate will be prepared to meet the expectations of the changing market.
The above assumptions mean that an IT specialist who meets the needs of the modern market will have, in addition to the universal qualities of any IT specialist, such as:
also additional features such as:
In addition, the features that a WSTI graduate will have are:
The teaching concept is to educate IT specialists who will be prepared to work in the following positions: