

Candidate Zone

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Information Technology at Master degree


full-time / part-time


3 semesters


2nd cycle, master's degree


4 specialties

price from

PLN 342 / installment

Recruitment stages

A person applying for admission for the second cycle studies of Information technology must have a diploma of engineering in Information technology or related fields, provided that the intended learning outcomes included the results of related disciplines: information technology, automatic control engineering, robotics, electronics, electrical engineering and comply with the conditions set out in an appropriate regulation of the WSTI Senate in Katowice.

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Fill out the recruitment form electronically.


Click on the button below, which will take you to the electronic recruitment form

How to book a date for the interview?

Dates for 2024 are unavailable

Need other information?

Check what questions students ask us or contact our Recruitment Department.

!!!Complete the necessary documents!!!

!!!The candidate is obliged to submit the following documents:!!!


  • photocopy of the Secondary School Final Examination results and the original available for inspection. (IMPORTANT! A copy of the Secondary School Final Examination results will be treated as an original document); !!!This year’s high school graduates – the deadline for submitting a photocopy of the Maturity Certificate is July 14, 2023.!!!
  • 1 fotografia w formie elektronicznej – zgodna z wymaganiami stosowanymi przy wydawaniu dowodów osobistych (wgranie zdjęcia na konto kandydata jest wymagane przy uzupełnianiu formularza i jest niezbędne do zakwalifikowania na studia) RÓŻNICA W TREŚCI WZGLĘDEM STRONY WSTI.PL/EN/
  • !!!The photo attached to the form will be verified by Recruitment Office employees.!!!. !!!The photo attached to the form will be verified by Recruitment Office employees.!!!
  • medical certificate – issued by the occupational medicine physician stating no contraindications to undertake studies in Information technology download the form
  • proof of payment of the administrative recruitment fee (does not apply to candidates during the promotion period)
  • certificate of disability if a degree of disability was determined.
  • Educational Agreement download the form
Foreigners are required to provide


The candidate is obliged to personally deliver the set of documents

!!!Submit documents and complete formalities directly at the Recruitment Office.!!!


!!!Take your ID card with you to confirm your identity.!!!
!!!Remember that admission to studies is based on the order of applications.!!!


!!!Candidates who provide complete required documentation and complete formalities related to enrollment in the selected field of study are admitted to the studies.!!! !!!Filling out only the form in the electronic recruitment system of WSTI in Katowice or submitting incomplete documentation does not guarantee a place in the group.!!!

  • tel.: +48 32 207-30-70
  • tel.: +48 32 207-30-80
  • tel.: +48 32 207-30-90
  • e-mail:
  • street: Mickiewicza 29
  • 40-085 Katowice (city center)
  • (IV floor, tower B)
Opening hours
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    9:30 – 17:00
  • Wednesday
    9:30 – 17:00
  • Thursday
    11:30 – 18:00
  • Friday
  • Saturday
    09:00 – 15:00
  • Sunday
    09:30 – 16:30

!!!You’ve been accepted!!!!

!!!Once you have submitted/delivered all required documents, you are admitted to your studies.!!! Congratulations!


!!!After receiving information about your admission to studies, log in to the website, where you can check the following information:!!!


  • !!!Your album number!!!
  • !!!The symbol of the group to which you have been assigned!!!
  • !!!Individual bank account number!!!

Would you like additional information?

Check what questions students ask us or contact our Recruitment Department.

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