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ERASMUS + program

ERASMUS + program

Courses Catalog – ECTS Information Package

Fields of study

  • Information Technology – first-cycle BSc Eng degree studies
  • Graphic design – first-cycle BSc degree studies
  • Information Technology – second-cycle MSc degree studies


The mission of the Institute of Information Technologies is to educate IT engineers and graphic designers in accordance with the highest educational standards, based on programs adapted to the dynamically changing needs of the national and European market.


Excellent faculty and helpful administrative staff, coupled with state-of-the-art infrastructure and teaching program facilitates development of practical professional skills for people of any ages. Thanks to the EU funding, it offers attractive opportunities to acquire new and valued professional qualifications by providing studies at various levels.

ECTS credits – preliminary information

ECTS is a system facilitating acknowldgement of courses completed by a student at a foreign institution of higher education by its home university. The ECTS system was developed in the second half of the 80s as part of the Erasmus Program. Since then, the ECTS system has been implemented by an increasing number of European universities, and the widest application of the system is observed in universities participating in the Erasmus+ students exchange program.


ECTS is a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries. Since they are based on the learning achievements and workload of a course, a student can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another. It is based on the transparency of the study program and the rules for passing classes. Recognition of a period of study is one of the basic conditions of travels under the Erasmus+ program. This means that courses taken while studying abroad (including exams or other forms of assessment) replace comparable courses at the home university. The ECTS system itself does not regulate the content, structure or equivalence of study programs, because these are issues related to the quality of education which the ECTS system does not deal with.


Assigning ECTS credit points to courses is based on the student’s workload needed to reach the course goals.

General information about the University

The Katowice Institute of Information Technologies (WSTI) is a non-public university founded on the basis of the permission of the Minister of National Education. The University is supervised by the Minister of Science and Higher Education in the scope of compliance of its bodies’ activity with law provisions and the University’s statute, and the Founder.


The University’s statute is granted by the University’s Founder in consultation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The study program is accredited by PKA.

Katowice Institute of Information Technologies is a single-department university.

Classes are offered in two separate paths: full-time and part-time.


The IT Department offers studies:

first-cycle, BSc Eng degree in the field of Information Technology

first-cycle, BSc degree in Graphic Design

second-cycle, MSc degree in Information Technology

List of study programs

We offer our students an innovative curriculum adapted to the reality of the job market. It is the result of a strict specialization of the Institute in the field of computer science, information technology and graphic design, supported by over 20 years of experience in the education industry. The curricula follow the recommendations of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI), also taking into account the effects of cooperation with ICT companies and the broadly understood advertising and media markets.


We teach classes using the state of the art hardware and software, preparing graduates for a head start in the modern labor market. We focus on practical training of professional skills, which is why laboratories, workshops and practical exercises constitute over 60% of classes.


Students of the Katowice Institute of Information may apply for a room in dormitories of the University of Silesia in Katowice Ligota and Sosnowiec. It is possible to rent a room for a whole year as well as for one or two days. In the latter case, students should book accommodation in guest rooms before Friday or Saturday.


Another accommodation option is Youth Hostel “Ślązaczek”. We invite you to use the Youth Hostel “Ślązaczek” located in the Silesian Technical Research Facility in Katowice at 26 Sokolska Street, in the near vicinity of the Institute – 5 minutes on foot. Telephone information and booking at (32) 35 11 956.

Living costs

The average fee for accommodation in available dorms is around PLN 400 per month

The average cost of lunch in the canteen is PLN 12-17

The average cost of a restaurant lunch varies between PLN 17 and 25

It can be assumed that the average cost of monthly living costs is around PLN 1200 -1500


Healthcare for students is based on principles consistent with the National Health Fund System.
Details are available at:

Department of International Cooperation of the Headquarters of the National

Health Fund

WSTI provides first aid training

Non-Public Health Service Institution is located in the building of the WSTI

Facilities for students with special needs

Due to the nature of classes and work, all courses in Information Technology and Graphic Design tracks are very accessible to people with physical disabilities.


Students with disabilities are welcome to the Katowice Institute of Information Technologies. Corridors and elevators are adapted for students with physical disabilities or students during rehabilitation.


For people moving on a wheelchair, there is a special entrance with a ramp that bypasses the stairs at the main entrance. There are also sanitary facilities specially adapted for the disabled people at the university.


The proper and friendly attitude towards students with disabilities is crucial. Every day they help disabled students to participate in the life of the university.

Students requiring special care are advides to contact the following institutions

State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON)
ul. 13 Jana Pawła II, 00 – 828 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 620 03 51


Polish Association of the Deaf
ul. 23 Podwale, 00 – 261 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 831 40 71
fax +48 22 635 75 36

Useful links:

the website for people with disabilities (in Polish)

the website of the Foundation for Mathematicians and IT Specialists with Physical Disabilities (in Polish)

website of the Organization of Polish Employers of Persons with Disabilities (in Polish)

the Fuga Mundi Foundation website devoted to disability issues in the context of the European Union (in Polish)

disabled students can use the services of private transport companies (in Polish)

more info on timetables for buses adapted for the transport of disabled people in public transport

Students with hearing impairments

Thanks to the implementation of the 4.1.1 “Knowledge and practice – university support and first-cycle studies in Graphic Design, WSTI development program in Katowice” project co-financed from the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Program, Katowice Institute of Information Technologies purchased 5 Sennheiser portable FM systems to help people with hearing impairments. Each system consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitters were placed in selected lecture rooms.

Visually impaired students

Visually impaired students can use the WSTI Reading Room equipped with LunarPlus – a program for the visually impaired people, for whom a simple view enlargement is not enough. It has all the features of the Lunar program, but in addition to the zoom function, it has a simple screen reading program that serves as an auxiliary function. Lunar Plus helps users in two ways: the visually impaired users may read from the screen, but if after some time they feel tired, or when they want to read a longer document, they can use the screen reading function. The program allows the reading of documents by people with various sight impairments, in addition, each enlarged element is smoothed, which improves the efficiency of work.


Students have the option to buy insurance against accidents from PZU insurance company through the university. The insurance is voluntary. The annual contribution is PLN 36. Insurance premiums are collected every year from October 1 to October 31 of each academic year.

Material support for students

The Katowice Institute of Information Technologies provides a scholarship fund, based on state subsidies. The number of scholarships and the amount of funds allocated for material support for students of the Katowice Institute of Information Technologies are conditioned by the amount of subsidies received from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


The scholarship fund is reserved for material support for students of the Katowice Institute of Information Technologies in the following forms:

  • Social scholarships
  • Special scholarships for disabled people
  • Rector’s scholarships for the best students
  • One-time financial aid

Learning facilities

The main purpose of the Library is to provide knowledge sources for students and teaching staff. Its resources are library and data materials, gathered for the teaching process held by the University.


The book collection reflects the scientific specialties represented by the WSTI. Each book is purchased in several copies. One copy is always available in the reading room. In addition, the reading room collects leading professional and theamatic magazines published in Poland. It also has access to an electronic database of magazines. Moreover, the computer station in the reading room is equipped with a computer program for visually impaired – LunarPlus, which, apart from the zoom function, has a simple screen reading function.
The library is fully computerized. The Libra 2000 library system makes it possible to order books and check the status of users’ account via the Internet.

Silesian Library

All students of the Katowice Institute of Information Technologies can use the services of the Silesian Library in Katowice. The Silesian Library provides services to our students as part of using the reading room and book rental office. A valid identity document is needed when registering with the Silesian Library as a user.


Detailed information on the formalities related to arrival is provided by:
Silesian Provincial Office
Department of Citizen and Foreigner Affairs
ul. 25 Jagiellońska, 40-032 Katowice

Polish language courses

Polish language courses, seminars on Polish language and culture are organized by the School of Polish Language and Culture, which is an institution of the University of Silesia in Katowice. More information about the courses and the possibility of enrollment can be found at


If a group consist of min. 10 people, the Katowice Institute of Information Technologies prepares and runs an intense Polish language course for foreigners on its own. If you are interested, please contact us via email

Erasmus + program

The Katowice Institute of Information Technologies received the Erasmus Programme Card for Higher Education, granted by the European Commission, for the years 2014-2020.


Erasmus+ is an international program of cooperation between universities. It is intended primarily for universities, their students and employees.


The aim of this program is “to raise the level of education and strengthen its European dimension in higher education by developing international cooperation between universities”. Our University participates in student and staff exchange with partner universities.

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